Arbimon in 2023

Get caught up on all of Arbimon’s 2023 highlights! From historical milestones to what’s in store for 2024 you don’t want to miss this. We’ve experienced exponential growth in the platform and are extremely proud of the impact we’ve seen. Here’s to another year of collective action, ecological insights, and conservation advancements!

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2023: A Year in Review

Get a recap of the highlights from 2023! From our most impressive impact numbers to date, to what our leadership team has to say about the work we’ve done and the year ahead, get caught up on all the action! We’re eternally grateful to those who have supported our work this year including not only our project partners but our RFCx community of donors and anyone who helped spread the word about our mission this year. These numbers wouldn’t be possible without the collaboration and tireless effort of our team and so many more. Here’s to another year with more impact, stories to tell, and far brighter days ahead.

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Arbimon December Newsletter

Read about what’s new with Arbimon! Our latest newsletter includes our recently published white paper on how ecoacoustics and AI can help track progress towards the Global Biodiversity Framework. You can also learn more about one of our projects in central Brazil, where we’re acoustically monitoring species across disturbance gradients. And hot off the press, Arbimon’s science team co-authored a new publication on using acoustic monitoring to track restoration progress in Ecuador.

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monitoring biodiversity in Croatia’s wetlands

Rainforest Connection (RFCx), Arbimon, Faculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences at the University of Osijek, and Huawei Croatia have partnered with Kopački Rit Nature Park on an exciting 3-year project to monitor birds, frogs, and mammals in this Croatian park! We are using passive acoustic monitoring to survey biodiversity across the wetlands and surrounding forests in the park.

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The Power of Sound & AI to Track Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) Targets

Rainforest Connection (RFCx) and the RFCx Arbimon team have recently unveiled an enlightening white paper titled “Harnessing the Power of Sound and AI to Track Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) Targets”. This comprehensive report showcases the potential of acoustic and AI technology to monitor biodiversity and aligns real-world case studies with specific GBF targets.

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Arbimon May Newsletter

In our second Arbimon newsletter of 2023, we’re announcing our new Audio Event Detection & Clustering (AED-C) pipeline! These new analytical tools are great for quickly summarizing and exploring categories of sound without needing labeled data ahead of time. You can also learn about the latest findings from our project with SLU and Ecoculture in Borneo. And, check out our upcoming events to see which conferences we may run into you at!

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Building a Sustainable Future: Top 5 Skills for Climate Job Seekers

From Salesforce’s The 360 Blog: Sustainability job openings are on the rise. It’s never been a more exciting time to build a career in climate action. Over the past five years, the demand for “green skills” has grown 8% annually outpacing the supply of talent. A global survey from Salesforce found that although there’s a sustainability skills gap, there is a global workforce eager to get involved. Hear two leaders from the Salesforce Accelerator for Nature cohort share top job skills needed to solve urgent climate challenges. Featuring RFCx CEO, Bourhan Yassin, and Island Conservation’s Head of Innovation, David Will.

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A Letter from our CEO on Earth Day

With Earth Day upon us, I can’t help but reflect on the incredible journey that Rainforest Connection has been on. When I made the decision to leave the for-profit world 6.5 years ago and go into conservation, I never imagined that we would grow into the global force for impact that we are today. And yet, here we are, thanks to the tireless efforts of our incredible team and the support of people like you.

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Monitoring biodiversity using ecoacoustics & eDNA in Manombo Reserve, Madagascar

Rainforest Connection (RFCx) is thrilled to be partnering with Nature Metrics and Health In Harmony to combine acoustic and eDNA data to comprehensively survey animal species in Manombo Special Reserve, southeastern Madagascar. Manombo is home to nine lemur species, five of which are endangered. We will develop a biodiversity baseline that can be used to assess how animal distribution is changing over time.

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Monitoring biodiversity in Kenyan agroforestry parcels (in partnership with Catona Climate & TREES)

Rainforest Connection (RFCx), Catona Climate, and Trees for the Future (TREES) kicked off an exciting new biodiversity monitoring project in the Lake Victoria region of Kenya! RFCx’s acoustic monitoring technology will be used to evaluate how the development of agroforestry parcels (called Forest Gardens) impacts biodiversity. As agricultural land is regenerated over the course of four years, acoustic monitoring will enable ongoing assessments of animal species presence and distribution.

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