Rainforest Connection is dedicated to supporting the bioacoustics & ecoacoustics communities with tools and technology to increase your overall impact in the conservation space.


With the recent launch of Arbimon you can now upload and analyze an unlimited amount of audio from your AudioMoth and other devices.


  • Visualizer - an intuitive viewer to review spectrograms, listen to recordings, and annotate audio.
  • Soundscapes - aggregate recordings at different temporal and spatial scales.
  • Pattern matching species identification - automatically search your audio library for a matching spectrogram.
  • Data organization - create playlists by site, time of day, detected species, soundscapes, and tags.

Arbimon Companion

Deploying AudioMoths in the field? Use the Companion to simplify the management of multiple devices.

  • Manage, track and deploy AudioMoths from your Android phone
  • Recordings will be automatically linked to deployment geo-location (using Uploader)
  • Attach photos to your device deployment location to mark where you left it

Arbimon Uploader

A desktop tool for uploading to Arbimon.

  • Auto-detect file timestamp formats - supports commonly used bioacoustic devices (SongMeter, AudioMoth, Swift and others)
  • Background uploading - continue to do analysis in Arbimon while uploading in the background
  • Resumable - take a break from uploading and resume at a later time without losing a recording

Need help getting started? Visit our support site.
Support Center

Arbimon Software Development Tools

Designed for scientists to connect with the Rainforest Connection platform to build their own ecoacoustic tools for protection and conservation.