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Straits Times: The age of artificial intelligence: Cities and the A.I. edge

Artificial intelligence has quickly established itself as a hallmark of the fourth industrial revolution, becoming faster and more capable of solving the world’s most pressing issues – one of which is the threat of illegal loggings. Rainforest Connection is using the power of AI models to detect the sounds of chainsaws and vehicles, identifiers of illegal logging

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Hitachi Vantara: Rainforests Forever! Preserving One of the World’s Greatest Resources

In this video from Hitachi NEXT 2019, founder Topher White discusses the genesis of the idea for Rainforest Connection, as well as the work RFCx is doing in forests around the world to fight illegal logging. Topher and host Jeremy Brisiel dive into how the technology works, as well as how RFCx is working to implement its solutions in vulnerable forests around the globe.

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Rolex: Electronic ‘Ears’ Listen to World’s Rainforests

The threat that illegal logging poses to the world is not a small one – its contribution to deforestation directly impacts climate change as well. American technologist Topher White is taking the solution right to the origin of the issue, the rainforest, and is using recycled phones to create an audio network that listens to the sounds coming from the forests. These sounds

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Ever Widening Circles: Old Cellphones: The Key to Stopping Climate Change

Topher White’s innovative idea allows everyone to get involved in the fight to end climate change and stop deforestation – his non-profit is using old cellphones to listen to the sounds of the rainforest. This technology is able to identify the sounds of illegal loggings, such as chainsaws and vehicles, and send real-time alerts to rangers on the ground that can intervene. Recently

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The Next Web: Google’s new AI model ‘listens’ to killer whales to help protect the species

Read how Google has teamed up with Canada’s Department of Fisheries and Oceans and Rainforest Connection to create an AI model that detects the presence of a threatened species of orcas in the Salish Sea. The detection of these animals with underwater technology allows officials to treat injured whales or even guide them to avoid locations of oil spills or high

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Azo Clean Tech: The Potential Impact of Complete Deforestation and the Technology Preventing It

A world without trees is certainly a bleak one – which is the possible future prompting many today to fight against deforestation and work to protect our forests at any costs. Rainforest Connection is one of the non-profits leading the way to combat illegal loggings by using audio technology in the world’s rainforests. Read David Cross’s analysis of how dire the need to protect our trees and forests actually

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Blog Google: AI’s Killer (whale) app

Read how Google partnered with Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) and Rainforest Connection to use machine learning to protect killer whales in the Salish Sea. Lack of prey, human interference, and contamination of water are just some of the threats that endanger the killer whales in this sea. Google, DFO, and RFCx’s partnership allows them to develop AI networks that track the behavior

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Verdict: Listening to nature: How Rainforest Connection is using Huawei AI to combat illegal logging

Listening to nature: How Rainforest Connection is using Huawei AI to combat illegal logging

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Outside: What AI Hears in the Rainforest

Outside Podcast interviews Topher White, plays audio clips of the rainforest during an earthquake, and discusses RFCx’s new AI project.

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The New York Times: Using Old Cellphones to Listen for Illegal Loggers

Mike Ives and photographer Ulet Ifansasti follow Topher on a field project in Western Sumatra, and give an overview of the work and mission behind Rainforest Connection in 2019. They go in depth about the challenges and impact such an endeavour poses, especially in the collaboration between RFCx scientists and local communities and rangers.

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