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Variable response of anuran calling activity to daily precipitation and temperature: implications for climate change

Long-term monitoring of frog populations is needed to understand the effects of global change. To better understand the relationships between climate variation and calling activity, we monitored an anuran assemblage in a Puerto Rican wetland by sampling the acoustic environment for one minute every 10 minutes, for 41 months.

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Calling activity of the common tink frog in secondary forests of the Caribbean
of Costa Rica

Calling activity in terrestrial frogs can be used as a measure of habitat suitability for reproduction. We evaluated the calling activity of the common tink frog Diasporus diastema (Eleutherodactylidae) in 12 secondary forest sites that vary in age of recovery, and three old growth sites in the Caribbean of Costa Rica. Calling activity did not vary among the different forest sites, suggesting that secondary forests can provide suitable habitat for D. diastema reproduction.

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Recovery of amphibian species richness and composition in a chronosequence of secondary forests, northeastern Costa Rica

In some tropical regions, following the abandonment of agriculture and pastures, secondary forests can recover plant species richness and forest structure (e.g. canopy cover, biomass); however, the importance of these secondary forests for fauna is not clear. We evaluated amphibian recovery in secondary forests in northeastern Costa Rica, by assessing amphibian recovery in 12 secondary forests that vary in age of recovery and in three old growth forests using visual and acoustic surveys.

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