Who to support on Giving Tuesday
Wondering what you can do on Giving Tuesday (Nov. 29th)? Support what moves you, of course! What started in 2012 as a small movement to counteract the shopping done on Black Friday and Cyber Monday with more philanthropic giving – has expanded to more than 70 countries across the world. It’s the perfect day to show you care and we’re gonna share some really great organizations below to give to depending on what causes you, your friends or your family are really passionate about!
If you care about:
Feeding the Hungry

From their site:
We are committed to solving the root causes of food insecurity. Creating a hunger-free world will be possible if we work collectively to question the underlying poverty-driven socioeconomic factors that forced people to seek help from organizations in the first place. This knowledge has led us to understand that we have an obligation to not just feed people, but to address those factors in concert with one another.
Water Assistance

From their site:
We’re an international nonprofit that partners with African community-driven organizations to end water & HIV/AIDS health disparities through organizational strengthening & financial support.
Since 2004, Blood:Water has partnered with grassroots organizations in sub-Saharan Africa to join them in serving the communities where they work and to improve the health of community members. Through outreach and intimate knowledge of the areas where they work, our partners identify and empower local heroes to champion issues affecting the health of community members.
Women’s Rights

From their site:
The Women’s Refugee Commission was created in 1989 to ensure that the rights and needs of women, children, and youth displaced by conflict and crisis are taken into account in humanitarian programs.
The Women’s Refugee Commission is a leading research and advocacy organization that works to advance gender equality and resilience across humanitarian response. Refugee women, children, and youth now have greater access to sexual and reproductive health care from the very onset of an emergency. They are more likely to find safe, dignified work. Marginalized individuals, including displaced people with disabilities, are included in more programs and in making decisions that affect their lives.
The Environment

What we’re about:
We’re developing and using cutting-edge acoustic monitoring technology, teams of experts, and on-the-ground partners to stop illegal logging and preserve wildlife around the world.
Our systems are able to detect threats in real-time and alert our partners to take immediate action. This helps protect against worsening climate change by guarding one of the world’s largest carbon sinks – forests! These areas help provide the air we breathe, food we eat and support the existence of communities of people worldwide. By monitoring biodiversity we’re able to better understand and preserve vulnerable species’ from extinction using data-driven insights. Nature needs protecting. Together we can create a better future.
Cancer Research

From their site:
We are the largest nonprofit dedicated to creating a world without blood cancers. Since 1949, we’ve invested nearly $1.5 billion in groundbreaking research, pioneering many of today’s most innovative approaches.
Combining research, education & support, and policy & advocacy they are working across the board to help people trying to make a difference in Leukemia & Lymphoma research as well as those fighting for their lives right now.
No matter what your passion is, get involved this Giving Tuesday and share your support! There are thousands of causes out there – pick one that moves you. This small list is by no means all-encompassing, just a handful of great causes we’d like to highlight. Also, don’t forget that support doesn’t always look like donating. If you’ve got the means and would like to share, go right ahead! However, a simple post, reshare, or mention to a friend can mean the world. Your voice matters, use it on November 29th!